A Meaningful Portrait

A few weeks ago I sat down with a lovely lady, Gail to chat about one of her most cherished portraits she owns.  I was excited to see this old portrait because she had mentioned previously that it was actually a painting of a professionally taken photo from many years ago; 1949 to be exact.  

I could tell immediately how special this particular photo was to her.  She was smiling from ear to ear when she handed it to me and when I saw it, I couldn't help but smile too.  

It was the most precious, darling photo of her and her sister at the young ages of 5 and 3.  It was in a simple brown wooden frame and the colours in the photo had a definite antique look to it.  Their dresses reminded me of the ones I would have worn in the 80's, I think, and were sewn by her seamstress Grandmother, which made it even more special.

    Copyright: Life and Love Photography

The thing that stood out the most to me about this photo though, was their visible connection of love and sisterhood. Gail, the oldest, was snuggled in behind her sister and they both had genuine smiles and a twinkle in their eyes... maybe even a little mischief in her sister's eyes.  

The moment the photographer captured was so real and true to the way they still feel about each other today.  They were best friends who did everything together.  They even shared a peach and purple wallpapered room with a bunk bed against the wall.  Gail took the top and her little sister had the safer level at the bottom.  She remembers, as they grew older, chatting late into the night before falling asleep.

They have always had a close relationship and still do today.  They love spending time at the trailer in the summer, traveling together, and talking on the phone regularly.

    Copyright: Life and Love Photography

When I asked her why she still chooses to display this portrait today after so many years, her response was that  it signifies a special relationship and it's a reminder of the past.  What a wonderful reason to have it sitting on the ledge in her sitting room today! 

Do you have a professionally taken photo that you still display in your home today?  If so, contact me at jen.lifeandlove@gmail.com and you could be featured on the blog in the future.  Contact me today;  I look forward to hearing YOUR story!
